CFX4™ Control Function Switcher
- The CFX4 Control Function Switcher can channel switch guitar amplifiers and perform other footswitchable functions via MIDI.
- Four isolated relays (prevents ground loop hum/noise) can be individually configured for latched or momentary type switching.
- Four LEDs indicate the status of each control function.
- Can be used with any MIDI footcontroller capable of sending Control Change or Program Change messages.
- An infinite number of CFX4's can be used simultaneously or added to existing rigs with other switchers.
- Powered by a 9VDC Adapter (like those from Boss) with a 5.5mm/2.1mm barrel connector.
- Housed in a compact (4.80" x 3.75" x 1.40") and rugged .064” thick aluminum enclosure for years of reliable use and performance.
- Brushed finish with black anodize coating and laser-engraved printing.
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